Why ‘Working On Your Money Mindset’ Isn’t Enough (and what you’re missing)

Most people who struggle with money think the answer is to ‘work on their mindset.’

They try affirmations.
They repeat mantras.
They write “I am rich” or “I am a money magnet” in their journal 100 times a day.

And yet… their bank account doesn’t change.

Because here’s the truth:

Mindset alone won’t make you rich.

Most people assume that working on their mindset is enough to attract money. When in fact, obsessing over money mindset while ignoring the  real  root of the issue, is one of the biggest reasons why people stay stuck right where they are. Because if mastering your money mindset was the only barrier, wouldn’t every person with a vision board and doing daily money affirmations be better off financially? And wouldn’t everyone who truly  believed  they could be rich, actually be rich?

But they’re not. Why? Because money doesn’t come from  thinking differently;  it comes from  being different.

Your subconscious beliefs, your nervous system’s ability to  hold  wealth, your ancestral limiting beliefs and fears around money, as well as your past-life karmic vows and agreements all dictate whether money flows to you, or whether it slips through your fingers.

So if you’ve ever felt like you’re doing everything right but still not seeing results, here’s why:

Most mindset work only focuses on the conscious mind.

But your conscious mind isn’t running the show!

So if deep down you believe things like:

“Money makes people greedy.”
“It’s not safe to have wealth.”
“I always have to work hard for money.”

…then it doesn’t matter how many positive thoughts you think. Your subconscious mind, nervous system, ancestral fears and beliefs, and past-life money blocks will  override them, every single time.

People often say, “I’ve done so much mindset work, but nothing changes.” But if the ‘ work’  you’ve been doing hasn’t shifted your financial reality, then is it really working? Or is it time to go deeper?

After working with struggling money manifestors since early 2022, I’ve identified three essential areas and skills that  must be addressed and mastered  if you truly want to dismantle your money blocks and shift your financial reality:

  1. Subconscious Reprogramming:  Your subconscious money identity is like a thermostat. If it’s set to struggle, you’ll always return to struggle. If it’s set to abundance, you’ll always return to abundance.
  2. Past-life & Ancestral Healing:  If you’ve had past-life experiences where wealth led to persecution, loss, or suffering, those imprints  still  exist  in your field. Clearing these is necessary in order to allow money to flow freely. Additionally, fears and limiting beliefs around money are also passed down to you through your ancestors. These, too, need to be healed and cleared.
  3. Nervous System Alignment:  Your body has a set point for what feels ‘safe’ to receive. If money triggers stress, guilt, or fear, you’ll unconsciously block it. Your nervous system only has the capacity to hold so much. Therefore, expanding that capacity to hold wealth is non-negotiable.

So if the money isn’t flowing how you want, ask yourself:

“Have I only been working on mindset while ignoring all of my deeper blocks?”

Having an optimal money mindset is a  tool , but it’s not the whole picture. If you’re ready to do the work that actually shifts your reality, it’s time to go deeper.

So if you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels with surface-level mindset work and actually identify exactly what’s been blocking your money, click here to schedule a complimentary 20-minute Zoom call with me.

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