Exploring the Mind-field and Awareness: Understanding our vibrational Unity with the world, and the cosmos

Our quest for understanding consciousness and the nature of being human and the nature of existence, we often turn to the brain as the seat of our thoughts and perceptions. However, groundbreaking research by Valerie Hunt and other scientists suggests that our minds may not be confined to our brains at all. Instead, they exist within a vast vibrational field that holds or becomes aware of a thought before it registers or is noticed as form ( in other words, a thought, feeling or action/behavior)— this is what Hunt refers to as the “mind field.

” This concept challenges traditional views and opens up new possibilities for how we understand ourselves and our connection to the universe. This brings us to the ‘What is the Mind Field? from her perspective.

According to Valerie Hunt, the mind field is an energetic field that surrounds and permeates our bodies, or what some would refer to as the auric field. This field is not just an abstract concept; it is a dynamic system that interacts with our environment and activates the beliefs, values and perceptions which form our thoughts, activate e-motion or energy in motion, and ultimately our behaviour in response to what is considered ‘reality’. Hunt’s research indicates that this mind field is where our thoughts originate before they are processed by the brain, however, what is it that can and does act as the observer or witness to all this..

Imagine the mind field as a vast ocean of energy, with each wave representing the manifestation of a thought, sensation or feeling. Before a thought emerges into our conscious awareness, it first ripples through this field, allowing us to sense it before it fully forms in our minds; it’s one step, before the emergence of ‘thought in form’ which we label as our ‘mind’ – which often means as a generalisation ‘ in the brain’ – Hunts work challenges this paradigm with a simple question of ‘is it?’.

When considering this perspective, it facilitates a shift in our understanding of consciousness being a product of the brain to ‘being’ which is an integral part of a larger energetic system, which exists all around us, and within everything.  So, what’s the Science behind vibrational fields?

The idea of vibrational fields is not simply a spiritual concept; it is supported by scientific research. Studies in quantum physics and consciousness have explored how energy and information are transmitted beyond or to the physical body. For example, research on non-local consciousness suggests that our thoughts and intentions can influence the world around us, transcending the limitations of time and space, this applies to our intentions and outside of awareness patterns that drive our choices, behaviours in relationships, our careers, money and health.

Additionally, Hunt’s work has shown that our vibrational fields can be measured and analyzed. By using specialized equipment, researchers can observe the energy patterns emitted by individuals, revealing insights into their emotional and physical wellbeing states, and when they are transformed through energy healing, use of vibrational music or ancient movements specific to changing how energy flows through the body, such as Qi Gong. This aligns with the growing body of evidence that suggests our emotional and physical well-being is intricately linked to our energetic state, including that which is inter-generationally passed on – which can be linked back to how Hahnamann considered miasms and their influence energetically from one generation to another and points to the epigenetic influences unique to each of us.

Given all that, so what? This gives rise to questioning how the mind field influences perception and behaviour.

1. **Pre-Perception Awareness**: Our mind field or ‘awareness already senses / is aware of all information before it reaches our conscious awareness. This means that our intuition and gut feelings are not just random sensations that form thoughts; they are signals from our energetic field that guide us in decision-making, although it also  can be a habituated sense if adequate clearing of the ‘ego structure’ hasn’t been undertaken.

2. **Emotional Resonance**: The vibrational quality of our mind field can affect how we experience or how we label energy as emotions. When we are in a balanced state, our energy field radiates a higher frequency, attracting similar energies and enhancing our overall well-being. Conversely, if we continue to label experiences and e-motion as negative emotions, these can lower our vibrational frequency particularly over a prolonged period, thus impacting our health and relationships.

3. **Interconnectedness or unity / shared being**: The mind field emphasizes our interconnectedness or shared being and unity with other human beings and the natural environment. Our thoughts and which drive emotions can influence those around us, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond our immediate surroundings. This understanding encourages us to cultivate positive thoughts and intentions, knowing they can impact the collective consciousness.

**Practical Ways to Engage with Your Mind Field**

Now that we understand the concept of the mind field, how can we engage with it in our daily lives? Here are some practical tips:

1. **Mind-less Practices**: Incorporate observing and ignoring of any thought, simply notice it and let it pass like a cloud. This assists with tuning into your awareness mind field, allowing you to become more aware of your thoughts and emotions as they arise.

2. **Energy Awareness**: Pay attention to your energy levels throughout the day. Notice how your thoughts and ultimately what you label as feelings ( energy in motion) influence your vibrational state. Consider journaling about your experiences to deepen your understanding of the relationship between perception of an incoming thought and how that relates to generating a sensation within the body, and what is it that is aware of all of this simultaneously.

3. **being in and with Nature**: Spend time in nature, many studies have indicated the significant positive effect on the overall wellbeing of human beings when close to or spending time away from urban areas, in clear spaces purely natural, it has been documented that it not only clears the field, but influences the nervous system positives thus rechaging our energy. Natural environments, if you notice, have a calming effect, which promotes balance and if we allow it, our sense of unity with everything within the cosmos.

The concept of the mind and even body field invites us to reconsider our understanding of consciousness and our ideas about what connects to the world. By recognizing that our thoughts and perceptions originate from a vibrational field, we can cultivate greater awareness and intentionality in our lives. Exploring the depths of our being, we come to recognise how mind field, as Hunt calls it, holds greater significance to our wellbeing than we currently understand it.

This also unlocks human potential, expands us spiritually, healing, and fostering a deeper awareness of how we are unified within the universe.

Are you ready to explore the power of your mind field? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let’s embark on this journey of discovery together!

If you found this post enlightening and generated curiosity, reach out to me directly, I’m happy to anser questions on the topic and how this has been part of my journey.

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