Thoughts On Ocean Birth

Yup 👍 You read that right. A woman named Josy Peukert gave birth to her baby in the  OCEAN  🌊 😳

This happened in 2022 and there is even a NY Post story on it. I’m writing about it now since it looks like she has done it again in 2023! I came across this picture this morning and dove into researching this type of birthing.

So, first I’m going to play devil’s advocate and answer the most popular questions first.

Water Temperature: The water, during certain times of the year and the closer you are to the equator, can actually be as warm as bath water!

Sand Everywhere: Turns out, white pure sand doesn’t stick!

Water Depth: You can track the tide ahead of time, you don’t need to go in as deep or as far in as you would think, and you can find a bay or an area that has smaller waves or calmer waters!

Predators: If the water is clear, you can see if anything dangerous is coming towards you and some say that sharks are actually more attracted to splashing and not the scent of blood…so…🤫

So, next I was going to present my questions and concerns, but I have to say now…feels different. I am going to research this more in the next year. I was under the impression that there wasn’t much good about ocean water, but I’m actually finding out a lot of the opposite! 😲

Salt Water Before Researching: Salt is in salt water, wouldn’t that burn the baby’s eyes and mom’s open stuff down there, ouch! What about trash, chemicals, oil, and parasites? What about the island of trash? What about the Fukushima nuclear debris from 2011? What about just the good ol ‘chemtrails & HAARP?

Salt Water After Researching: Salt water is very healing and soothing, full of vitamins and minerals, is alkaline, and just the sound, sight, and smell of the ocean can raise your serotonin levels!

Water births are becoming more popular as they reduce stress, pain, and are a beautiful transition for baby from water sac to a pool or tub. Ocean births may actually be more popular than we thought. Did you know that there are dolphin assisted births?! The mother is in the water. The water has to be salt water for the dolphins to live so….maybe salt water is okay then?!? I feel like this article on Josy birthing in the ocean went viral for all the wrong reasons and I am again going to definitely look into all this more in the future.

Let me close by saying where you choose to birth your miracle is totally up to you. If you want to try something new, go for it. Follow your intuition. Some women are just more adventurous and hey, good for them! Some birth on a bed, outside under the stars, in a car, in a closet, in the living room, and many more! This is truly an emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental experience. Do your research and if it works, DO IT! You are an amazing mama! 💖

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