Michelle G. LeBlanc posted an update
Do you ever feel like you’re getting in your own way?
Like no matter how much you want success, something keeps holding you back?
Meet The Sabotage Shadow, that sneaky part of your subconscious mind that thinks it’s keeping you safe, but is actually keeping you stuck.
😈 It whispers that you’re not ready yet.
😈 It makes success feel overwhelming.
😈 It fuels procrastination, self-doubt, and your specific money blocks.
And the worst part? It doesn’t hate you; it actually believes that it’s helping. But it uses your ingrained limiting beliefs and fears against you. So it becomes a vicious cycle of making a commitment to do something, then sabotaging yourself by making excuses, going into perfection mode, procrastinating, etc.
But here’s the truth: Real safety isn’t staying small. Real safety is learning to overcome your Sabotage Shadow, and step into your power.
If you’d like to know more about your specific money blocks and limiting beliefs, and how your Sabotage Shadow is using them against you, click the following link to book a complimentary 20-minute call with me: https://calendly.com/healwithmichelle/consultation
Your next level is waiting. Let’s go get it. 🚀
Here’s to your abundance!