• Profile photo of Michelle G. LeBlanc

      Michelle G. LeBlanc posted an update

      2 weeks ago (edited)

      Why You Have Imposter Syndrome (And What It Actually Means)

      I’m not calling you crazy, but have you ever heard those nagging voices in your head?

      “They’re going to figure out I’m not that special.”
      “What if this was all just luck?”
      “Who am I to teach/entertain/inspire anyone?”
      “I feel like a fake.”

      Do any of those resonate with you?

      That, my friend, is imposter syndrome. And if it’s hitting you hard right now, it’s not because you’re a fraud; it’s because you’re stepping into something bigger.

      Here’s the truth: The more visible you become, the louder that inner critic gets. Why? Because your subconscious is wired to protect you from the unfamiliar. And success? Impact? Playing at a higher level? That’s all new territory. And to your subconscious mind, new territory means new threats to your safety.

      Think about when you were just starting out, no one was really paying attention. But now? People are engaging with your work (even if you still have a small audience). They’re feeling the impact of what you share.

      And that tiny, scared part of your brain is panicking, whispering, “Wait, do I even belong here?”

      But here’s what it doesn’t want you to know:

      You didn’t accidentally create value.
      You didn’t luck your way into making a difference.
      That feeling of discomfort? It’s not proof you’re a fraud; it’s proof you’re growing and making a larger impact.

      Every person you admire has felt this. Every leader, creator, and entrepreneur has wrestled with these doubts. The only difference? They didn’t let it stop them.

      So the next time imposter syndrome shows up, take it as a sign that you’re leveling up. You’re stretching into the version of you that actually belongs in the space you’re stepping into.

      Keep showing up. Keep creating. Keep making an impact.

      Because your audience isn’t looking for perfection. They’re looking for you, and the unique experiences, perspectives, and lessons only you can teach them.💫
