• Profile photo of Michelle G. LeBlanc

      Michelle G. LeBlanc posted an update

      3 weeks ago

      If just thinking about going live or making a video makes your chest tighten, there’s a deeper reason…

      You know you need to create videos and be visible, but every time you try, you freeze, procrastinate, or feel massive resistance.

      👉 You may have a ‘visibility wound’ that’s stopping you from showing up online.

      You tell yourself you’re just figuring out what to say, or you’ll do it when you feel ready. But here’s the truth? If you have this hidden fear of being seen, it’s running the show. 👀

      For many spiritual entrepreneurs, avoiding the camera isn’t just shyness or nervousness; it’s a deep energetic wound. Maybe you were shamed or ridiculed for speaking your truth in childhood. Or in a past life, being ‘seen’ as a healer meant danger (witch trials, anyone?).

      This isn’t something mindset hacks alone can fix. You have to clear the root cause(s) so it feels safe to be visible.

      💬 If this hit home, comment below.
