Join us live on Facebook and Instagram for a Q/A with Holistic Wellness Experts. Get a chance to dive deep into Homeopathy, Nutrition, Reiki, Intuition, Energy Transformation, Hypnotherapy and more. Get clarity and get answers to questions in real time!
Meet our Experts:
Sonya McLeod: Sonya McLeod is a registered classical homeopath who has been running her own private clinic, Little Mountain Homeopathy, since 2009 in Vancouver BC.
She conducts workshops on homeopathic provings and has written one book so far about her provings called “The Art of Proving” (Saltire Books, 2020). @sonyamcleodMichelle Palma: Healer, Intuitive Guide & Founder of Purple Moon Healing Group. Michelle helps women clear energetic blocks, access their inner magic, and step into their highest potential through sacred rituals, past life healing, and deep energetic transformation. @michelle
Karen E. Williams, CRA-RP: Certified Spiritual Life Coach: Mindset Reset, ETF, Hypnotherapy & Inner Child Rewild Facilitator, Intuitive Oracle Reader. Clients love and respond positively to Karen’s spiritual and practical approach to helping them remove the emotional, mental or physical blocks generated from past trauma that still controls their lives. Applying various modalities, clients are not only transformed from victims of circumstance into empowered conscious creators of their desired life outcomes, they are equipped with tools to use for the rest of their lives. @HealingEnergyWorks.ca
Katherine Huston: Katherine, based in Calgary, Alberta, is an honors graduate of the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine. She serves on the boards of multiple homeopathic organizations, working to advance the profession. Passionate about reshaping the narrative around homeopathy, Katherine was featured in the outtakes of the film Introducing Homeopathy. @yychomeopathkath
RSVP here to submit questions early! https://events.wellbee.social/event/live-q-a-with-holistic-wellness-experts/