
First Name

Intuitive Healing



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With Meg

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Professional Expertise and Services Provided

Hello! I’m Meg, an Evidential Medium and Energy Healer, specializing in channeling loved ones from the other side, delving into past lives through the akashic records (metaphysical library of information), and chakra energy healing. My primary mission is to provide clarity, healing and hope to those i work with. When channeling in Mediumship sessions, I bring through specific details and comforting messages. Not only validating your experience, but showing you that your passed loved ones are safe and at peace, while still being divinely connected to you.

​A natural communicator and healer, I was born with my abilities but was terrified of them as a child (it’s not normal to see and hear dead people, right?) I suppressed my gifts as best as I could through school and flat-out denied them throughout my corporate working years. After major life-altering circumstances, including chronic illness and near death experiences, I realized my powerful spiritual abilities were integral to my life’s purpose of helping others.​

I have a Bachelor of Communications degree and am Certified as a Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner, Chakra Healer and Kundalini Reiki Master. I have furthered my learning in Psychology through Neuroplasticity Training, Inherited Family Trauma Therapy workshops, as well as obtained a Science of Wellness Certification from Yale University. I am currently studying Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

An avid mental health and autoimmune illness advocate, I am truly passionate about one’s entire physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. I integrate my education, life experiences, personal growth mindset and natural wellness expertise into service offerings in order to enhance healing in clients, while helping to provide a broader understanding of spiritual perspectives.

Lets connect!


