• The Enemy You Didn’t Know You Had

    Imagine this: You’re standing at the edge of a diving board, staring down into the deep end of the pool. You know that you know how to swim. You want to jump. But something inside you tightens, a voice whispers,  What if […]

  • Your thinking mind (your conscious mind) is limited in how much it can affect your money mindset.

    Did you know that your subconscious mind (the part that you aren’t aware of, but is constantly running in the background) is dictating up to 95% of your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and actions/inaction. This is why optimizing your subconscious (and…

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  • There is power in embracing mistakes and failure…

    Most people say that they want to grow and improve in different areas of their lives, yet many of those same people are so afraid of making mistakes or failing. So they stay stuck.

    You know, one of the most important things I’ve learned on this journey, both in life and in my business, is that…

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  • There’s A Reason Why You Keep Hitting Your Income Ceiling

    💰 Ever feel like no matter what you do, you can’t break past a certain income level?

    That’s not just a coincidence. It’s your Money Max Setpoint at work.

    ✨ Like a thermostat, your subconscious keeps you at the income level it believes is safe. And if you’re still struggling grow or scale…

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  • Do you ever feel like you’re getting in your own way?

    Like no matter how much you want success, something keeps holding you back?

    Meet The Sabotage Shadow, that sneaky part of your subconscious mind that thinks it’s keeping you safe, but is actually keeping you stuck.

    😈 It whispers that you’re not ready yet.

    😈 It makes success feel overwhelming.


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  • The natural world is always communicating with us…we just need to pay attention and be open to receiving.

  • Are you struggling to market yourself because you’re too good at what you do?

    🔥 You can see the real problem holding your clients back.

    🔥 You know how to get them a deep transformation.

    🔥 But when you talk about it, they don’t get it. They’re stuck focusing on the wrong thing.

    👉 That’s The Expert’s Paradox. The better you are at what you do, the…

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    • Yup 🔥🔥🔥

      a week ago
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    • Claudia Reynaud (edited)

      I’m a biochemical engineer, and the part of my healing work that I am focusing on (which I named Holographic Bioalchemy™) is deep`ly rooted in science, but it’s a light frequency healing technology that helps clear the spike protein and the mRNA/DNA encoding the spike protein so people will stop producing it and having adverse effects from it.…

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      a week ago
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  • Good or bad, we all have a relationship with money. And when you talk about growing your business, that means making more money, right? But how can you expect to grow that business if you have an unhealthy, non-abundant relationship with money?!

    In order to having an abundant, thriving, and soul-aligned business, you not only need the…

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  • What do you wish someone had told you before you started your holistic/healing business?

  • If Money Were a Person, How Would It Describe Your Relationship?

    Imagine for a moment that money is a living, breathing entity…not just a pile of paper or numbers in your bank account, but an actual being with feelings, desires, and a voice of its own. Now, let’s take that further: […]

    • Such an interesting take! "Your money wants to love you". Very powerful statement.
      a week ago
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