• Profile photo of Michelle G. LeBlanc

      Michelle G. LeBlanc posted an update

      6 days ago (edited)

      Are you posting your best stuff &/or doing amazing webinars, but no one seems to be paying attention? Here’s why…

      You’re posting, launching, doing webinars…but it feels like you’re screaming into the void. The problem isn’t that you’re not showing up enough or that you’re not good at what you do. It’s that your messaging isn’t fully reflecting your magic AND resonating with your audience.

      This is what I call The Visibility Vortex: that exhausting cycle of doing more, but seeing less return. It happens when:

      ❌ Your messaging isn’t specific enough to resonate with your target audience…so it blends in instead of standing out. Your messaging needs to be so specific that every post makes people think, “Omg, she’s describing ME!”

      ❌ Your audience doesn’t instantly get what you do or why they need it.

      ❌ You’re attracting the wrong people (or worse, crickets).

      The good news? This isn’t a ‘work harder’ problem; it’s a messaging problem. And when you fix it, sales and opportunities start flowing.

      Drop a 🔥 if you’re stuck in The Visibility Vortex, and let’s get you OUT!
