Michelle G. LeBlanc posted an update
5 Signs Your Business Woes are Rooted in Hidden Money Barriers, Not Flawed Strategies
You’re Doing All the Right Things, But Income Feels Stuck You’ve invested in numerous courses, followed the business coaches, and posted consistently. Yet, no matter what you do, the money just isn’t flowing. This signals an invisible internal block rather than an external strategy issue.
You secretly feel guilty (or even a little gross) about charging more. Every time you think about raising your prices, asking for the sale, or receiving more money, an old subconscious belief whispers, “Who do you think you are?” If your mind is rejecting money before it even arrives, your business will keep reflecting that.
You keep attracting ‘almost’ clients; they say they love your content and free trainings, but they never buy. Do you get flooded with interest, only to hear, “I can’t afford it right now,” or “I need to think about it”? That’s often a reflection of your own money beliefs being mirrored back to you. People will energetically respond to your internal barriers that are blocking your abundance.
You make some extra money…but then something unexpected wipes it out.A big sale comes in, but then your car breaks down. A client pays in full, but suddenly a surprise bill arrives. This is a classic money max setpoint issue; your subconscious is wired to only allow a certain level of income, and it will sabotage anything beyond that.
Deep down, you have a fear around having a lot of money. Whether it’s having to pay more taxes, people judging you, or a belief that having a lot of money makes you a ‘bad’ person, this fear keeps you in feast-or-famine cycles because, on some level, it doesn’t feel safe to be wealthy.
If at least one of these describes you/your biz, you have money blocks which are keeping you stuck right where you are. The good news? Once you clear those hidden blocks, your business strategies will finally start to work!
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