Professional Expertise and Services Provided | If you’ve ever felt like attracting money into your business should be easier, but something keeps blocking your flow, you’re in the right place. Hey there…I’m Michelle, an abundance activator, quantum energy healer, and Akashic channel. I help struggling soulpreneurs clear their hidden money blocks and align their deeper purpose with marketing and messaging strategies, so they can become thriving money magnets.💰 I am also the creator of Money Magnet Formula and founder of Align-Heal-Thrive Academy. If you’re ready to break free from your hidden money blocks, trust your intuition, scale your business, and step into your next level of abundance, let’s connect! 💫
#MoneyManifesting #LawOfAttraction #SubconsciousMoneyBlocks #PastLIfeMoneyBlocks #AkashicRecords #ManifestationTips #MoneyMagnet #ManifestMoney #MoneyBlocks |
Website |
First Name | Michelle G. |
Nickname | michellegleblanc |
Last Name | LeBlanc |
Profile Type | — |
YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/@manifestmoneywithmichelle |