Belinda Anderson
First Name | Belinda |
Nickname | belindaanderson |
Last Name | Anderson |
Profile Type | Professional |
Professional Expertise and Services Provided | Hi I’m Belinda, Currently, I am studying classical homoeopathy and finalising a master’s program for defining Holistic well-being approaches that can be combined with a deep spiritual inquiry techniques. What interests me: so many glorious things about the world, however well-being and spiritual healing utilising ancient techniques to modern masters and wisdom, shamanism, to spiritual inquiry; and how to bring something deeply impactful to people who seek to relive any niggling health issues, unblock energy that is intergenerational and keeps people locked into patterns and limits energy; and capacity to be in the world and give the gift they are here to give. How do I help by combining over 25 years of learning, experiencing and digging deep to utilise the Enneagram for health (ennea-health framework), awareness of vibrational medicine, aromatherapy and food as medicine. In addition, combining this with a spiritual polyseme inquiry (from Moments awake framework) to clear and coach people through the spiritual ‘holes’ that cannot generally be reached or unblocked through traditional personal development approaches, a singular modality, or belief coaching. What does this give people, the gift of clarity, the gift of heart and freedom from that which binds us or what is outside of our awareness; and shows up in repeat patterns or when triggered! The Ennea-health approach unlocks the capacity to see the box our constructed personality is designed to keep us in, or rather how were ‘grown’ up, and its impact on health, well-being and the general sense of connection to the world. The approach is to liberate our one true self as an expression in the world. This evolved from a deep inner journey and global travel including the enlistment of a non-dual coach, to liberate me from feeling stuck, the missing pieces of I’m not there yet or it was always a driving for ‘a never-ending more’. There was a pervasive sense that something was missing, I was still on some level people pleasing, avoiding participation in life, and exhausted from pretending to be who I was not, to feel a sense of attunement or belonging which resided within as blocked energy to get along within the world and that or corporate roles….a mask if you will. The journey for me is to facilitate others to discover their pathway to freedom. Certifications: